This plot provides an example of the novem color scheme.
Novem supports a large set of options on how to color a visualisation, but the simplest appraoch is a set of colors for default color scheme, and one for a dark or "darkmode" colorscheme.
developed market equities : #4e79a755,#4e79a7ff^lin #4e79a755,#4e79a7ff^lin -- Primary blue color
emerging market equities : #f28e2c55,#f28e2cff^lin #f28e2c55,#f28e2cff^lin --
government bonds : #e1575955,#e15759ff^lin #e1575955,#e15759ff^lin
corporate bonds : #76b7b255,#76b7b2ff^lin #76b7b255,#76b7b2ff^lin
private equity : #59a14f55,#59a14fff^lin #59a14f55,#59a14fff^lin
real estate : #edc94955,#edc949ff^lin #edc94955,#edc949ff^lin
hedge funds : #af7aa155,#af7aa1ff^lin #af7aa155,#af7aa1ff^lin
commodities : #ff9da755,#ff9da7ff^lin #ff9da755,#ff9da7ff^lin
cash : #9c755f55,#9c755fff^lin #9c755f55,#9c755fff^lin
other : #bab0ab55,#bab0abff^lin #bab0ab55,#bab0abff^lin
bg : #fcfcfc #212121
ax : #1d2d35 #dee2e6