
This document gives you an overview on how to manage your novem subscription.

Information about your novem subscription.


There are two primary usage limits on the novem platform.

  • Access to features
  • Compute resource

The access differentiation is fairly simple, higher tier subscriptions can have more visuals as well as unlock additional features such as support, dashboards, single sign-on, themes, group and organisation management, centralized billing etc.

Compute is more complicated, when using novem there can be a lot of processing and background work done on the server (for example e-mail template compilation, geography shaded relief creation etc). This resource utilization is converted into a compute score that is applied to your account. Each subscription has a maximum compute score that is reset each month.

Please note that for most common use cases, compute should not be a limiting factor. It’s also possible to buy additional compute intra month.


Our free tier is intended for people who want to try out the platform and create low volume visuals for personal projects, blogs, videos etc.

The free subscription offers full access to all novem visualisations, only limited by numbers and and e-mail recipients.

Advanced novem features like novem tv dashboards and devices are not available to free users.

N.B. Free users can only send e-mail to the registered and verified e-mail address assocated with the account.

Personal / Student

The personal subscription is perfect for hobbyists and entry level professionals. You get access to a high compute threshold and a signficiant amount of non-branded visuals.

In addition you can buy or build your bespoke novem tv and dashboard. You’ll also get access to a larger pool of groups for more granular access management.

Personal also comes with novem support.

In addition Personal allows sending of e-mail to both novem and non novem users.

A subsidized version of personal for students is available.


The full novem experience. No restrictions are placed on number of visaulisations, dashboards or devices. In addition you’ll get access to premium support and the ability to create your own custom themes.

The only feature not available to professional subscribers are enterprise integrations such as single sign-on, joint billing, on-prem hosting and organisation management.


Team allows you to buy and centrally manage a collection of professional subscriptions. This lets you automate on-boarding and offboarding of company users, integrate with company roles and access management and implement single sign-on.

Team also allows you to configure themes and enforce corporate branding rules across the managed subscriptions.

Compute resources are also shared across all users managed under the team subscription.


Enterprise is the final tier, along with all the features of team enterprise also allows for on-prem hosting, custom code ammendments and integrations, bespoke SLAs and more.

For a full breakdown of the enterprise offering please reach out to the sales staff.