
A novem plots represents a visual presentation of useful information. The plot covers a wide range of visuals, from simple charts to video feeds and terminal windows.

On the novem platform a plot represents the most basic building block of any visualisation. Whilst most plots will probably be charts, several other visual representation exists such as video feeds, terminal windows, browser views, tables, calendars, logs etc.

For ease of navigation we’ve split the novem plot documentation into four key categories:

  • Charts
  • Tables
  • Utilities
  • Device

Charts are the most common visual you’ll see such as line and bar charts, whereas tables can be used in documents and emails for good control of layout.

Utilities are intended for things that can be useful to create on a more dashboard like layout such as news feeds, calendars, lists etc.

Devices are elements that only works on novem.tv such as video feeds, browsers, terminal windows etc.


Below is an overivew of all the control nodes associated with a novem plot. Most of these have sensible default values so as a user you should not need to worry about most of these endpoints. But they are there in case you want to have more control over your visualisation.

You’ll find separate documentation sectons for most of these.

plot_name                       => Name
├── config                      => Configuration options
│   ├── axis                    => Axis options
│   │   ├── location            => 
│   │   ├── anchor              => 
│   │   ├── ticks               => 
│   │   ├── domains             => 
│   │   ├── scale               => 
│   │   ├── margin              => 
│   │   ├── overlap             => 
│   │   ├── labels              => 
│   │   ├── multi               => 
│   │   ├── padding             => 
│   │   ├── offset              => 
│   │   └── range               => 
│   ├── bg                      => Plot Background related controls
│   │   ├── type                => The type of background (grid, lines)
│   │   ├── align               => Control background axis alignment
│   │   ├── stroke              => Control background stroke styles
│   │   ├── colors              => Control background box and line colors
│   │   └── label               => Control background label positioning
│   ├── colors                  => 
│   │   ├── type                => 
│   │   └── colors              => 
│   ├── table                   => table specific settings
│   │   ├── index               => control table index
│   │   ├── size                => size of table xs-lg
│   │   └── cell                => Format table cells
│   │       ├── align           => number alignment
│   │       ├── border          => control table borders
│   │       ├── text            => font information (weight, style, color)
│   │       ├── format          => number and text format
│   │       ├── padding         => cell padding
│   │       ├── width           => cell width
│   │       └── merge           => merge cells across cols and rows
│   ├── legend                  => 
│   │   ├── type                => The kind of legend
│   │   ├── position            => Position of the legend
│   │   ├── orientation         => 
│   │   └── format              => Format of the individual legend item
│   ├── labels                  => 
│   │   └── anchor              => 
│   ├── interactive             => 
│   │   ├── format              => 
│   │   └── highlight           => 
│   ├── render                  => 
│   │   ├── template            => Template to render against
│   │   ├── orientation         => Landscape or Portrait orientation
│   │   └── scale               => 
│   ├── geo                     => Map/geo specific options
│   │   ├── zoom                => 
│   │   └── projection          => 
│   ├── caption                 => Caption below chart
│   ├── theme                   => 
│   ├── title                   => Title of chart
│   └── type                    => bar, sbar, gbar etc...
├── complications               => 
│   ├── bands                   => 
│   │   ├── config              => 
│   │   │   └── label_position  => 
│   │   └── data                => 
│   ├── lines                   => 
│   │   ├── config              => 
│   │   │   ├── color           => 
│   │   │   ├── stroke          => 
│   │   │   └── label_position  => 
│   │   └── data                => 
│   └── marks                   => 
│       ├── config              => 
│       │   └── label_position  => 
│       └── data                => 
├── data                        => data to chart
├── description                 => Description (meta)
├── name                        => Name (meta)
└── shared                      => Sharing information
    ├── +org~group              => Shared with an org group
    ├── @username~group         => Shared with a user group
    └── public                  => Shared with everyone